HealthSelf Care

Testicular Cancer

Although Testicular Cancer on average hits young males between the ages of 15 to 49 years of age, it can strike even earlier. It is also more prevalent in white men than other ethnic groups but the reasons for this are not clear.


The most common symptoms are:

  • A small lump in one or both testes can be the start of cancer and grow.
  • A swollen sac can be the start on one side or the other.
  • A shrunken testicle can also be a symptom.
  • A feeling that one side or a testicle inside is heavy.
  • A low or dull ache in the groin may be the onset.
  • The fluid in the scrotum can build up and cause some pain and discomfort.
  • Pain or discomfort can build slowly and progress.
  • You may also feel a swelling, or tenderness in the breasts.
  • Pain in the lower back can occur if the cancer spreads.
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes along with pain in the back can happen in late-stage cancer.

As in all cases of uncertainty and discomfort check with your doctor as early as possible. Testicular cancer is one of the rarest but on average one of the most curable of cancers, but early diagnosis is key.

It can happen to any young male, even the fittest and is always worth checking out any cases of abnormality in that area. I have personally known friends who have had to have fluid drained from swollen testes after receiving a kick during sport. Sometimes anything can cause a painful swelling which can be routinely drained by doctors. These have been non-cancerous and those guys have gone on to live to their old age.

One of the more publicised cases of the fatal effects Testicular Cancer can have was that of the young West Ham United footballer Dylan Tombides. This promising young Asian/Australian died at the age of 20 years in 2014. The club respect for him has shown in the fact that West Ham have retired only 2 shirt numbers in their club, never to be worn again, that of the number 6 of Bobby Moore their famous World Cup winning captain, and the other the number 38 worn only once for the first team by Dylan Tombides. There is a charity formed by his parents to make awareness of Testicular Cancer called the DT38 Foundation. That charity aims to take away any embarrassment and encourage young men to come forward with any problems in what can be a very sensitive subject for young men.

Types Of Testicular Cancer

The more common type of testicular cancer is known as Germ Cell Cancer, this is prevalent in 95% of Testicular Cancer cases. The Germ Cell is used to create sperm. There are other rarer versions, but we suggest that anyone seeking more information on the various sub-types should consult their doctors first and after diagnosis contact the MacMillan Cancer Charity specialists (See our link in the sources below.)

Figures For Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer accounts for only 1% of all cancers in men.

Approximately 2300 men are diagnosed with it annually in the UK.


Treatment is by Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy or Surgery or a combination of all.

A treatment plan will be given by your medical professional and even after a successful cure you may be given further treatment to prevent the cancer recurring.

Occasionally one or both testicles may have to be removed to prevent further spread.

Again, I have known friends who have had this type of surgery to recover fully, produce children and live to old age. Another reason for anyone who has any concerns to get immediate inspection by their medical professionals. It may only be a fluid build-up or it might be worse but there is no embarrassment to get checked out.


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