Article by Great Health Watch
In July 2022, a medical study found that many senior women should benefit from going for a Mammogram.
In a modeling study in 2018 using data from the German Munich Cancer Registry, 2.92 million mammography screenings were done.
In the UK, females will be invited to have breast screening every three years between the ages of 50 and 71. After 71 years, you will not be automatically called, but you can still request to be screened if you wish. You have to contact the local breast screening service and make a request to continue with the 3-year screen. You should get in touch with them if you have not received a written invitation by the age of 53.
Even if you are a Trans man, Trans Woman, or Non-Binary, you are still entitled to screening. You should contact your general practitioner’s surgery to request an introduction to the local breast screening service.
In the German study mentioned earlier, out of the nearly 3 million screened, 13,414 patients were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.
Because of the mortality rates, Mammography must be a very specialized X-Ray.
Therefore, Mammography screening decreases breast cancer mortality in patients aged 40-80 years, then increases with age. Screening at the age of 70 years is much more beneficial than leaving it to 48 years.
The statistics show that ten Mammography screenings should be carried out every two years up until fifty years old.
In this study, the patients screened were aged between 40 and 80. When screening with Mammograms regularly on this scale, the twenty-year survival rate leaped from 68 % with non-screened patients to 83%—a great case for screening to become part of regular care programs.
The study lasted 20 years and compared screened and non-screened patients between 40 and 80 years of age at 2-year intervals. Each study was repeated 50 times to reduce randomness in the variables generated.
Where tumors occurred, the survival rate after 15 years was 87.8per cent in the screened group compared to 76per cent in the non-screened group. After 20 years, the survival rate was 83.2per cent compared with 68per cent in the non-screened group.
The mortality reduction for screening between 50 and 69 years was 54.5per cent (the current estimate is 49per cent). Mortality increases with age; therefore, more deaths are prevented when screening is done at age 70 compared with age 48.
These modeling studies provide estimates and generate hypotheses. Clinical trials to confirm projections are also required to provide evidence-based recommendations, but they can be invaluable to overall health planning for nationwide programs.
Only mortality effects were considered in this study, with factors relevant to the patient’s quality of life, such as the association between age-dependent breast density. False positives were not considered.
Because of this information, Doctors could recommend breast screening for your mother every two years.
This is a summary of a study published as a preprint on SSRN.com. It has not yet been peer reviewed. It was written by Marlene Okoth, MD
Doctor Iain Corniss, Consultant, the originator of this story carries out breast cancer screening, with a dedicated breast clinic. Using Digital Mammogram with Tomosynthesis, giving accurate results.